How to attach a PDF file to an email programmatically? See for example the last part of this wiki.As for any other binary, be careful to save the exact number of bytes that the binary contains (use the "binary length" returned by CONVERT_OTF or CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF), otherwise you might have problems when opening the PDF.If the file is to be saved on the server, use OPEN DATASET, TRANSFER and CLOSE DATASET ABAP statements. A PDF binary has to be saved as any other binary: If the file is to be saved on the frontend, it can only be done in dialog interactive mode (it is impossible to connect to the frontend from background execution), use either GUI_DOWNLOAD function module or method GUI_DOWNLOAD from class CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES.Returned parameters are PDF table (the PDF binary) and PDF_BYTECOUNT (the length of the PDF binary). Call CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF function module.How to convert an ABAP List spool into PDF binary? As for SAPscripts, you may generate a Smart Form in OTF format, so it's the same principle as above, with this minor difference to get OTF data without generating any spool : in the function module which opens the Smart Form output stream (either SSF_OPEN or the Smart Form generated FM), export parameter CONTROL_PARAMETERS-GETOTF = 'X', and in the function module which closes the Smart Form output stream (either SSF_CLOSE or the Smart Form generated FM), returned parameter is JOB_OUTPUT_INFO-OTFDATA.How to convert Smart Form output into PDF binary? If an OTF spool has been generated, you may convert it using CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF function module.See below how to save a PDF binary to a file. Returned parameters are BIN_FILE (the PDF binary) and BIN_FILESIZE (the length of the PDF binary). call CONVERT_OTF function module to convert the OTF to PDF.when calling OPEN_FORM function module, export parameter OPTIONS-TDGETOTF = 'X', and when calling CLOSE_FORM function module, use returned parameter OTFDATA.The SAPscript must generate an OTF output and then you convert the OTF into PDF format.

To transform the PDF binary into a file, see question below. Note: here PDF binary means that the PDF is stored in a variable in memory (handled using XSTRING variable for example), not a file.How to convert SAPscript output into PDF binary? See this wiki for creating an interactive form and a web dynpro step-by-step.See this wiki for creating the web dynpro step-by-step, it displays a PDF file previously and manually loaded into the MIME repository (not part of the wiki, use SE80 to load any PDF).How to display a PDF in a web dynpro for ABAP? Note: CL_GUI_PDFVIEWER class should not be used as indicated by SAP in its description.See for example the second part of wiki "Read any OTF Data in Adobe Reader".Define a custom control in a dynpro, and use CL_GUI_HTML_VIEWER class with mime type "application/pdf".How to display a PDF in SAPGUI for Windows? Note: IFbA abbreviation is not used by SAP, but by the SDN community. IFbA is the abbreviation of SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe.it is not possible to fill in data in these types of PDF files, while it is possible in interactive PDF files (using Adobe Acrobat Reader software). SAP uses this name to refer to Interactive Forms which have the flag Interactive switched off, i.e.Since NetWeaver 2004 (release 6.40), SAP proposes a technology named "SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe" (often referred as Interactive Forms, or Adobe Forms, or PDF Forms) which allows to generate PDF natively without any intermediate media.You may convert an ABAP list into a PDF binary by calling a function module.From Smart Form preview screen, the user may convert it into PDF by entering PDF! in the okcode field.

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